Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This Book

So, I started reading this book titled, "Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God," by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock about two weeks ago.  I only read a few pages so far, and based on what I've read, I know this book is going to be addictive.  So I have to watch myself and make sure I'm not taking too much time away from my studies reading this.  Did I just say that?  I'm buggin'.  Life is MORE THAN just Georgia Tech.  But anyways, a dear friend gave this book to me as a graduation gift and I never got the chance to actually read it until now.  It's a crazy story, but last month, I begin to experience something that was oh so familiar, yet so foreign.  An experience or shall I say, feeling deep down inside of me that made me feel like I was floating on cloud 9.  It was someone who provoked that feeling inside of me.  Usually, it's my Father and First Love who stirs up feelings inside of me that keeps me "high".  But it wasn't Him this time, so I began to get worried.  I fought with this feeling for the whole month of February.  It was tough.  I wanted to do, say...something, but I kept asking, "God is this your will?"  If so, it shall be and I should not go on worrying.  So to help me deal with these "feelings" the CORRECT way, I turn to the scriptures and chose to use this book as a supplementary resource.  This is a time when I draw closer to God because I'm fearful of myself and what I may do without Him being central in my life.  Instead of being lead by emotions, I chose to be lead by God and a true woman of God seeks to please Him in everything she does.

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