Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pouring Out Like Water

Ok, so like almost 9 months later...and I have not finished the book. Life's circumstances has caused me to grow as a woman of God minus the book. Now that I have graduated from grad school and have been home for a few months, I have had ample time to load my brain with Biblical knowledge and such. The question is, "Have I?" "Yeah" and "No" is the answer. Aside from the daily struggles of being a follower of Jesus Christ, I have been forced to witnessed God's faithfulness, firsthand. During the process, I have learned and am still learning a lot about this woman named "SABRINA". All this to say, I have been writing down thoughts like a mad woman. All these crazy thoughts and ideas have just been pouring out of me. So, instead of forcing myself to finish the book and ignore my urge to express myself, I chose to listen to what I have to say.

Throughout my life, there was only one person I could be real with. That person was Granny. I could think of the most ridiculous things to ask or say and Granny would always listen, never judging me. As I got older, something happened. I couldn't even tell you what it was. There was a time when I developed the attitude, "no one can be trusted ". So from there, every feeling or emotion felt was hidden, hidden so deep that I became apathetic. Nonchalant and laid back was the attitude I wore, not getting close to anyone or letting anyone get too close to me. I didn't want to care about you and I didn't want you to care about me.

Thank God I am not that selfish, slick talking, New York-attitude-carrying young lady that I used to be. God is transforming me, for real. As I allow His light to shine through me, my opaque nature is becoming transparent. For the first time in my life, I am being "FEARLESSLY REAL". Finally, being released from the bonds that once so easily entangled me, I'm pouring out my heart and running this race set out for me with perseverance. So watch me as I lace up my Nikes and speed through that track!

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