Sunday, January 17, 2010

Leaving My Baggage Behind

I went to church today and the sermon was about forgiveness. Forgiveness, forgive, forgiven... as the different forms of the word orbited my mental, I begin to think about the emotions driven by forgiveness or lack thereof. The anger, the bitterness, the hatred, the hostility, all caused by the hurt, the harm, the abuse, the pain.

Sometimes it's hard to forgive, especially when your heart has been trampled over time after time, over and over again. Even if it has been trampled over only once, the resulting pain can be so laborious that your outlook on life can be completely altered. Deep hurt does not easily lend itself to forgiveness.

I once knew a young, naive girl who learned to love without fully understanding its meaning. It took her a long while, but she eventually entrusted someone with her most prized possession... her heart. She thought she had something special, but was too inexperienced to see that she didn't. Her faithfulness was taken for granted. The commonly accepted connection she shared with that someone became something she refused to continue. As a result, the connection later become a distance memory. She packed up her "things", put them in her suitcase and bounced up outta there!

No soon later, another opportunity to connect presented itself to her. This time would be different. This new someone begged and pleaded for her heart, yet she was unable to give it. So instead, she presented herself as a "strong, independent" woman. She appreciated the connection they had, but was too apprehensive to go too far. One thing lead to another, she ended up packing her "things", putting them in her suitcase and bouncing up outta there!

She couldn't take this any longer, but she was willing to cling TIGHT to the pieces of her broken heart. Until one day, a gentle Spirit spoke to her telling her to let it go. "Give your heart to me. I know what to do with it. Trust me," he said. Shaking her head in disbelief, she said, " I don't trust you". For years, He continued to speak those gentle words to her in His still small voice until she finally gave in.

The healing process slowly began. The anger, the bitterness, and the hatred was soon replaced with forgiveness and love. Everyday, she is re-energized because of the love she now receives. She finally put her heart in the right set of hands, leaving her suitcase at the foot of the cross.

It takes a lot of energy to hate someone. While you're spending all that energy hating that person, he or she is continuing to enjoying their life. It's like this, think of how many times we have lied to God and treated Him undeservingly. Yet, in spite of all the negative, evil, unGodly things we have done, He forgives us. So, let it go. Leave that baggage behind and give your heart to the Father.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:28-30)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Do You Love Him?

Love, love, love. Such a STRONG word, yet it's used so freely. When I worked as a cashier, I would show my holiday spirit by giving the customers discounts on their items (legally, of course). In return, the customers would say, "thank you" or display great joy through smiles. Others, however, would say to me, "I love you". Clearly, I was aware these people were just a little bit too happy and used those "three words" to express their joy and gratitude. Has the word "love" been diluted to just a mere expression of one's feelings of delight after he or she has benefitted from another?

"Love" is too precious of a word to be used so lightly. "Love" is the quintessence of our existence. Without love, there is no you, no me. We do not exist. We are nothing. Check out this piece I wrote about an unsurpassable love:


By: Brina

Indispensible love

Real love

Sincere love

A love that satisfies my needs, wants, and desires – A fulfilling love

I searched for it

I searched the academic realm hoping to find love amongst the world’s top scholars

I even searched the basketball courts hoping to find love amongst the best ballers.

I searched my hood hoping to find love amongst the toughest thugs.

I search for love in my friendships and in the men I dated…I just want to be comforted

Still my love couldn’t be found

Indispensable love

I need you

Can’t live without you

Got’sta have you

A Love that sticks tighter to me than my baby phat jeans

Love as beautiful as a rose, stemming from a pure heart

Love as royal as a king, I honor you for eternity

A love as patient as a kindergarten teacher, he tolerates all my foolishness

A love as unselfish as a mothers’, He died for me

A love as protective and hopeful as a father’s, I am safe in his arms

Indispensable love

I need you

Can’t live without you

Got’sta have you

Diligently, I seek and prayed for my love to reveal Himself to me and like magic, He appeared in thin air

How perfect He is

All my fear is driven out by His love and I’m able to give Him the key to my heart.

Unlock me

Come into my heart and take my love to higher heights

Like two turtledoves, nothing can separate me from my love

Like treasure stored up in a secret place, He preserves and values me

“I was there the whole time, Sabrina,” He says to me

Indispensible love

I need you

Can’t live without you

Got’sta have you

As great of a lover he was to me, I took him for granted

“This is too good to be true,” I told myself

I became distracted, like a flood sin overtook me.

Like Hosea’s adulterous wife, I cheated on Him

I became impregnated with the worries of the world and looked elsewhere for fulfillment

Searching in familiar places, better yet, fulfillment couldn’t be found.

I became trapped in a vicious circle spiraling downward until I hit rock bottom

I was a mess

Beaten and shattered by my lovers, better yet, my fulfillers, my heart was cut and filled with indignation

I ran back to my first love and there he stood, like the father of the prodigal son, with arms wide-open waiting for me.

Like a book, He read my heart and forgave me

Indispensible love

I need you

Can’t live without you

Got’sta have you

There is no love greater than His.

I love him because he loved me first

He is Love

Christ- the love of my life

True love is not based on self-satisfaction. When you love someone, you can lose yourself. But when you love "the One", you gain life, eternally. There are many who claim to love Him and therefore, declare salvation. Well, if you love Him, how much time are you spending with Him?