Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Day

For the past couple of weeks, I've been pondering a lot of issues that surround Valentine's Day. I actually meant to post a message on Valentine's Day, but didn't have enough time to do so. But anyway, most often, on V-Day, many (especially those of us who are single) tend to yearn for attention, affection... love. For that single day, many are left depressed and melancholy because out of all the days in the year, on this day, they EXPECT to be shown some form of love.

This state of mind is so selfish and opens up the door of cupidity. Honestly, the most common form of love being expressed on V-Day is "eros". Eros is the love of pleasure. It's a selfish type of love. Most likely, the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about this form of love is "lust, sex...etc". But the fact is, eros is bigger than sex. It's actually a form of idolatry. This self-gratifying love is not the form of love that promotes spiritual growth. In fact, it's a hindrance on such. It's the type of love that feeds off feelings of lust and strong sensual passion. Meaningful relationships cannot be build off eros. Eros is based solely on circumstances and situation.

Clearly, we were made to love- to love one another, to love LOVE, in fact, because God is love. But what type of love is God? Is God eros? philia? storge? or agape love? I think it is safe to say without further explanation that God is not eros love. But what about the other three? Let's see:

Philia love is the love of friends. Well you can say, "Jesus considered those who followed His command as friends"(John 15:13-14). This is true. The Bible does read, "Greater love has no one than lay down one's life for one's friends. However, Jesus' purpose for laying down His life on the cross was to save us sinners. No one in the world is worthy of the love shown by God. This undeserving love is something greater than a friendship love. This love is greater than parent-to-child love (storge). But like a mother's affection and a father's protection, that instinctual love is there. But it is SO much more than that.

To respond in love through difficult situations; to genuinely care or show concern for, regardless of the treatment you may receive in return; to love selflessly- this is AGAPE love. Like in Luke 6:35, the love you should have toward your enemies; a compassionate love. This is the love of God!!!!

So what form of love do you possess? What form do you think you should possess?

1 comment:

  1. I think there is so much truth in what you write that you may not always realize how close your writings bring others, like myself, closer to God. You have a special gift and a love for God that is as humble as it comes and this is shown not only through this blog, but with the way you live your life. Your will to be Gods servant is admirable!
