Friday, October 8, 2010


Have you eva prayed a prayer of inconvenience?
Like Stephen before laying in eternal rest prayed to the Lord not to count the sins against the Sanhedrin members who stoned him to death
Like Paul prayed for the Christians to grow spiritually and know God's will
While he suffered for proclaiming the gospel
Behind bars of steel

How about praying like Jesus?
A "Not my will, but Yours be done" while dying for every sinner kinda prayer
A prayer that causes your body to collapse,
Your knees to shake,
Your face to tense up,
Oceans to form from your teary eyes,
Red seas to climb mountains from the blood you sweat

A "God do something great and I'm here if you need me" kinda prayer
A "Here I Am, Send Me" kinda prayer

See, it's too hard for us to fathom inconvenience because...
The world tells us to "Do you"
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever makes you feel good
Whatever makes you comfortable
Equals the right thing to do
"Follow your heart"
"Follow your feelings"

This jacked up mindset is the reason why:
50% (so they say) of marriages end in divorce
1 in 4 sexually active teens are infected with an STD every year
Nearly 1 million teenage girls become pregnant each year
This is why our boys like boys and our girls like girls

But they say us Gen Y folk are supposed to be more open-minded and demanding of change,
Similar to our African-American forefathers
But I say, nothing will change unless we welcome inconvenience
Without inconvenience, we do what we think we wanna do when its really not what we wanna do but what we hate to do
You feel me?

Do you understand that the only kingdom that will prevail in this world is the kingdom that is not of this world?
Welcomin' inconvenience is welcoming a magnet that creates a force field pushin' electrons through your mental membranes causing you to attract distant people who need inconvenience as well
This magnet attraction forces not your will, but the will of God to be done.

Regardless if you welcome Him or not,
There will be a time when you will witness inconvenience
Who is inconvenience?
The Holy Spirit, the believer's mind control

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