Friday, June 11, 2010

Straight From the Dome

I struggle with showin' too much affection
Will he think I like him if I randomly send him a text to see how he's doing?
Will she think I'm a lesbian because I care for her so much?

You don't know me that well and I don't know you like that
But I'm attracted to the God I see in you
He calls my name and pulls me close every time we converse
I gain so much energy
Redbull ain't got nothing on you

I see deeper into you than you know
Even more than I'd like to
When we depart, I lose kilowatts
This is too much work
My force multiplied by your distance gives you jewels
Precious stones that I can't afford to hand over
This is too much work
I'm fatigue

I struggle with high expectations
I expect a lot from myself
I expect a lot from you

You don't owe me anything and
"I owe you all I have" I tell myself
Becoming a gymnast
I bend over backwards and flip for you
You don't tell me to
I don't even tell myself to
But I put on your BIG shoes
Taking your footsteps
I subconsciously become you ...
in my mind,
I think your thoughts:

"I'd want Sabrina to do this for me.
Don't worry, she'll do it
She's a people-pleaser
She will do whatever you need her to do
She doesn't want you to struggle
Go 'head
Ask her to go out her way for you
She'll do that...
And some other things too
Last week I asked her to chauffeur me around
'Cause I don't have a car
Giirrrrllll, she didn't even ask for gas money
She's a pushover"

I ask myself, "Why am I this way?"
Like being invited to church only to find a bunch of hypocrites,
the answer is disappointing
This is too much work
I'm fatigue

I struggle with quiet pride
See, I'll go out of my way for you
But don't you dare try to do the same for me
I'll let my momma do it,
'Cause she's been doing it for years
Still, slowly but shortly,
I'm weaning off her breast milk

"I gotta become this strong, independent woman," I tell myself
I gotta learn how to do this thing...
Living by myself dependent on no one but God Almighty Himself
"But doesn't He work through the people around us?" I ask myself
"Answering your prayers, supplying your needs through His creation..."

I'm selfish...
That's why I struggle with quiet pride
Let others have the chance to give
The best feeling in the world is to see someone's face light up as they
Open a gift you have given them
Why continue to rob people of this joy?

I just don't wanna seem needy
So how do I change?

1 comment:

  1. I luv it chica!!! Cheryl and I was just talking about it. My heart def feels schizophrenic at times...such a great metaphor. Things would be so easy if we could have complete control over our hearts and bodies and only let people in when we were sure they would not contribute to our demise whether it be mentally, physically or spiritually. Similar to how we can control what we ingest that may affect out physical hearts and the arteries that supply it, I wish it were simple to control what we let enter our symbolic hearts...keep writing
