Thursday, December 31, 2009

Every Woman's Desire

Ever notice how a woman 's demeanor changes when she knows a man has interest in her? Her walk goes from a lazy strut to an attention-getting, hip-swinging dance to a rhythmic sound only their ears can hear. Her self-confidence blows through the roof. It gets to a point where you can't tell her anything. Her ego soon becomes WAY TOO BIG!!! Eventually, it bursts like a balloon, leaving her in pieces. When it's all said and done, she's left with nothing but scraps.

I was watching some ABC special about unmarried black women in the Atlanta area the other day. There were about four career-oriented women who were in their late 20's to early 30's. Financially, they were good to go. However, the four women claimed to be having a hard time landing their "right" man. It was a serious matter to them that they were single, without a man, alone. One of the women even admitted to lowering her standards in the past couple of years in hope to land her "Mr. Right". But toward the end of the special, there was one woman out of the four that made the most attention-getting declaration:

- "I'd like to be in a relationship or married, but I don't feel like that defines me. So if I don't find the perfect person for me, then I'll just remain single."

As a single woman, I myself have struggled with the thought of being thirty and single. Although I am not thirty yet, the thought of being thirty and without a family of my own was once appalling. Let's take a look at woman's relation to man from the Bible point of view:

- Woman was made from man to be a suitable helper. (Gen. 2:20-24)

God created man and woman to function as a cohesive unit. Man's job was to work and take care of the land. Woman was given the task of assisting her man in working the land.

And we all know what eventually happened: Adam and Eve ate the apple and both man and woman was cursed. Peep woman's curse:

- "...your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." (Gen. 3:16)

Hmmm. So ladies, it seems like our desire to secure a husband is something ordained by God. However, it does not mean this becomes the single most important thing in our lives. It means that God placed that desire inside of you. But, just like anything else we desire, we can become obsessive and this is where we get ourselves in trouble. Our desire for our husband should never be placed on the same pedestal as that of the Almighty. When the Lord stops being the center of attention in your life, then you know something isn't right.

For those of us who are single, do not be worried about landing "Mr. Right" (or "Mrs. Right" for the fellas). You know what Jesus said about worrying. If you don't, check out Matt. 6: 25-35. Enjoy life as a single individual living for Christ. As Paul said,

- "An unmarried woman... is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in the body and spirit. But the married woman is concerned about the affairs of the world- how she can please her husband." (1 Cor. 7:34)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... u raise some very good points here Brina...where do I begin...ok here goes...finding the right man or woman is all in gods hands if you ask me. The only thing I can do to help this situation in any way is to be prepared when god puts that person in front of me. Other than that I am not sure what else I can do oh yeah also know what god has for me is for me and don't let people come around who are disguising themselves as the person for me fool me into thinking they are who god has for me...(how u like them apples)...I finally found a way to put that statement into positive words. I will leave my comments at that for now b/c I know it will provoke "deeper" thoughts and understanding on finding the right person.
